Over the years since the
accession of Jose Bergoglio to the Chair of Peter, in perusing the Huffington
Post blog, the National Catholic Reporter website and other “progressive”
social media, one gets the impression that these folks believe Francis (“Who Am
I to Judge?”) will revolutionize Catholic teaching on marriage. On these pages
I have frequently noted many of Francis’ statements affirming
traditional-Biblical-natural marriage, as well as his extremely strong remarks
back in Argentina, where he declared same-sex “marriage” a diabolical effort of
“the Father of Lies” to “destroy God’s plan … and deceive the children of God.”
He said then—only four years ago—that gay “marriage” discriminates against
children “in advance,” depriving them of “their human development given by a
father and a mother and willed by God.” At stake, said Cardinal Bergoglio, was
“the total rejection of God’s law engraved in our hearts” and the very survival
of the human family, with Satan at work. I continue the effort here and here.
MONDAY last I posted that Pope Francis might not be all that the secular media consider him to be, recommending a First Things piece on the matter. Today we read of Archbishop Chaput's interview with John Allen of the National Catholic (?) Reporter , in Rio for WYD. What caught my attention was the Archbishops's comment that alienated, non-serious Catholics perhaps interpret the Pope's openness as being less concerned than his predecessors with doctrine, and that it is already true that "the right wing of the Church" has not been happy with his election. As I argued in The Smoke of Satan , and as George Weigel has eloquently posited in Evangelical Catholicism , the political terms left and right are woefully inadequate as measurements of one's standing in the Body of Christ. There are only the orthodox, and the heterodox.
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