AN FRANCISCO, California, September 5, 2017 —(LifeSite News) A former homosexual turned natural marriage advocate has received some vicious criticism in his lifetime, but nothing like the virulent emails from liberal Catholics after recently writing about pro-gay Father James Martin, S.J. “I am disturbed and somewhat surprised by the amount and content of vicious messages I have received due to my last blog,” Joseph Sciambra posted on Facebook . Joseph Sciambra “I have NEVER EVER received the ugly sorts of emails and posts from either the gay community or the porn industry — that I now get from fellow Catholics.” The former gay porn star, who has been sharing his story of repentance and conversion for seven years, is a popular blogger. Last week, he noted how Father Martin urges everyone but himself to “come out of the closet.” Sciambra quotes the Jesuit as praising homosexuals who “come out and be honest and transparent and open about t...