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Showing posts from February, 2019

Libido Redux: The New York Times and the Gay Agenda

A s I mentioned in my most recent post, we are on the eve of the Vatican summit on  The Protection of Minors in the Church . My intention was to point out that the New York Times, concerned that the homosexual orientation will be blamed as the cause of the crisis , mounted an attack priestly celibacy. The Times suggests that celibacy is the cause of the current crisis in the Church, having previously championed abortion on demand, “gay marriage” and transgenderism in arguing that sex—in any way, with anyone—is the final expression of individual desire and personal self-actualization.                                                                      ************ As I discussed in The Smoke of Satan , the big lie of the Sexual Revolution is that human beings must act on their sexual impulses, howeve...

The Sex Crisis Post-McCarrick.

The Holy Father has summoned the bishops for  conference on the homosexual priest crisis in Rome,  Feb. 21-24. Elizabeth Dias of the Times has used the occasion to  relate half-truths concerning the crisis brought about by the Mr. McCarrick unchastity of many, not all priests with homosexual orientations in the Body of Christ.  No doubt the idea that the homosexual sexual orientationis behind the abuse crisis will be of paramount importance in the discussions. Anyone wishing to fully understand the nature of the current crisis facing the Church brought about by not "gett(ing) it right sexually." (to paraphrase one priest interviewed in Dias' article), will be led further from the truth of things after reading the Times exposeˊ. In his work, Goodbye, Good Men , author Michael Rose documents the abuses that took place in American seminaries and diocesan vocation offices not long after the Second Vatican Council ended. Mr.  Rose did not set out to explai...