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Showing posts from February, 2013

The Orwellian World of Catholic Higher Education | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

Are Catholic Universities Catholic?  You decide!  The Orwellian World of Catholic Higher Education | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

The Church after Pope Benedict

The Church after Pope Benedict Having written in my book of the need for personal conversion in reponse to Vatican II's call to personal holiness, Archbishop Chaput once again has written poignantly on the Church after Benedict XVI....

The Smoke of Satan in the Temple of God

In my first Chapter I discuss at length a phenomenon which the Holy Father in a recent audience recalled like it was yesterday: the true and false Second Vatican Councils: "I would now like to add another point: there was the Council of the fathers - the true Council - but there was also the Council of the media. It was almost a Council unto itself, and the world perceived the Council through these, through the media. "Therefore the Council that immediately and efficiently arrived to the people was that of the media, not that of the fathers. And while the Council of the fathers was realized within the faith, and was a Council of the faith that seeks 'intellectus,' that seeks to understand itself and seeks to understand the signs of God at that moment, that seeks to respond to the challenge of God at that moment and to find in the word of God the word for today and tomorrow, while the whole Council - as I have said - was moving within the faith, as ''...

There You Go Again!

Time and time again, we hear of "conservative Catholics" in opposition to "liberal Catholics." This is a false choice. There are only two terms we may use to modify the term Catholic: orthodox, and heterodox. My second chapter discusses this at length, and The Smoke of Satan in the Temple of God will be out in March!

“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven…”

Satan is still prowling about, seeking the ruin of souls. Those who resist him, solid in their faith, will be saved. Those he already owns, for whom we must pray, are as follows...   If you read the tweets here, note the pervasive use of debauched sex as a way to attack the Vicar of Christ on earth... ( See my chapter 3!)

Things Catholic

In my second chapter I discuss why the political terms "liberal" and "conservative" are misnomers for adjectives modifying the term "Catholic." This is especially important now, when, following the resignation of Benedict XVI, pundits will misuse these terms in discussing the Holy father's legacy. Read more on this here.


With the announcement that he will resign the Chair of Peter, it behooves us to remind ourselves that St.  peter admonishes us to be on guard against our opponent the Devil, who prowls about like a lion, seeking the ruin of souls.   Here is one soul for whom we must pray, and why this comment amounts to dancing with the dragon, for she has termed  the Vatican a "nest of devils and haven for criminals."

More "Bishops Bishoping!"

Chapter 7 of my book recounts the role of the bishop in the teaching of Vatican II: "All bishops are bound to foster and safeguard the unity of the Catholic faith and safeguard and teach with a love of the Body of Christ, especially the poor, the suffering and those persecuted. Primacy is given to their preaching of the gospel, warding off whatever errors might threaten their flocks. Bishops’ teaching as such are to be revered by their sheep, who must give assent to their bishops’ decisions in matters of faith and morals, and especially to the Pope’s authority, even when he is not speaking “from the chair of Peter.” The worldwide college of bishops infallibly proclaims Christ’s doctrine when, preserving communion amongst themselves and with Peter’s successor, “in their authoritative teaching concerning matters of faith and morals, they are in agreement that a particular teaching is to be held definitively and absolutely.” Their decisions must be adhered to with the ...