The title of this post was the theme for the Los Angeles 2014 Religious Education Congress, post-Cardinal Mahony (taking place amidst the recent earthquake). It managed to catch the attention of the blogger of Catholic bloggers in addition to my own, having discussed it previously.
A smidgen of the Congress' history:
….the Los Angeles Religious Education Conference. A quick foray via a wonderful means of social communication,
the Internet, shows that many victims of modernist theories are featured at the
conference today (though it is not as heterodox as the twentieth century occurrences).
The Congress originated in the 1950s to educate catechists to teach the Faith
more effectively, but by 1987 the influence of neomodernism on presenters at
the Congress had produced a creedless, experiential catechesis under the
auspices of Sister Edith Prendergast, yet another of our influential circle of
religious education experts.
Perusal of both the LA Congress’s
website and links to its speakers divulge ample evidence of the neomodemist
opinion that catechesis no longer means passing on received doctrine because
the Church can no longer say it possesses revealed “truth” from God. Thus participants
were taught to discover truth for themselves by reflecting on their experience,
with the role of the catechist now being to facilitate such reflection. And so
it was that doctrine increasingly disappeared from the nation’s largest
religious education conference ….
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