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Showing posts from February, 2015

Read the Documents!

T he Fifth Passage all Catholics should understand: 5) “But the task of authentically interpreting the word of God, whether written or handed on, has been entrusted exclusively to the living teaching office of the Church, whose authority is exercised in the name of Jesus Christ” ( Dei Verbum , #10). Fr. Hans Kung and Pope Benedict XVI Unfortunately , following the council an "alternative magisterium" was allowed to ferment.  When asked by Vittorio Messori in his famous interview with Cardinal Ratzinger about the fact that he once was associated with some theologians who have since run afoul with the CDF, the Cardinal’s reply sheds much light on this “spirit of Vatican II”: It is not I who have changed, but others. At our very first meetings I pointed out two prerequisites to my colleagues. The first one: our group must not lapse into any kind of sectarianism or arrogance, as if we were the new, the true Church, an alternative magisterium [emphasis added]...

Dancing With Mr. D: Banning Reparative Therapy in Illinois

I have long believed that most Americans accept as truth many falsehoods about the homosexual orientation, and have bloged here abut individuals who have reordered their sexual orientation. The examples, both male and female, are numerous. SO- to add to the disussion, why shouldn't we be more tolerant towards efforts at reparative therapy? The organization, The Restored Hope Network, believes, as do I: "In this time of history, when gender and sexual confusion is reaching new heights in all aspects of public and private life, our network of ministries stands on the beauty of God’s life-giving Word.  We are not afraid to discuss with empathy and understanding issues central to the human soul--sexual and relational issues.   Yet we hold up the power of God to redeem individuals and families from sin’s control, even in the area of homosexuality."

A Shepherd Guards His Flock

Salvadore Cordileone I have been chronicling Archbishop Cordileone's defense of the Faith in these pages here and here . We must remember that Our Lord guaranteed that the gates of hell would not prevail, but that hell would not cease trying to do so for a time until He brings all things into one in His person. Here is a bishop who, following the teachings of the Second Vatican Council on the job description of a bishop, understands this, draws courage from this. I like the following comment on the news article: "Your Grace,  I applaud your courage.  Our church and schools are built on the teachings of Christ and the Magisterium. If faculty members do not want to teach theses beliefs, I suggest they leave their “personal” beliefs at the door.  Or find a public or private school to teach in whose values are not strictly Catholic."

Read the Documents!

The Fourth passage from The Documents of Vatican II Catholics should know: 4) “But the college or body of bishops has no authority unless it is understood together with the Roman Pontiff, the successor of Peter as its head. The pope’s power of primacy over all, both pastors and faithful, remains whole and intact. In virtue of his office, that is as Vicar of Christ and pastor of the whole Church, the Roman Pontiff has full, supreme and universal power over the Church. And he is always free to exercise this power. The order of bishops, which succeeds to the college of apostles and gives this apostolic body continued existence, is also the subject of supreme and full power over the universal Church, provided we understand this body together with its head the Roman Pontiff and never without this head. This power can be exercised only with the consent of the Roman Pontiff” ( Lumen Gentium , #22). Nevertheless, after the close of the Council, when the hierarchy began to interpret the...

LIBIDO REDUX: The Porn Version of Cinderella

As pornography begins to step into mainstream culture,  Christine Niles, Psychologist Dr. Peter Kleponis, and Mark Houck    break down the dangers of its use , including several lesser known issues such as the psychological costs and the growing problem of porn marketed to women. They know their stuff, believe me.

Dancing With Mr. D: 50 Shades of Sham

To spell it out for a morally challenged culture, Patti Armstrong  interviewed Fr. Patrick, an exorcist, along with three members of his deliverance team about t he  Fifty Shades   of Grey  phenomenon. 

Read the Documents!

The third reflection in the series on why Catholics must know the real Vatican Council II: 3) “The Church acknowledges Gregorian chant as specially suited to the Roman liturgy: therefore, other things being equal, it should be given pride of place in liturgical services” ( Sacrosanctum Concilium , #116). Here's why.

A Bishop Bishops!

Recently the San Fran Chronicle noted: "No one can quarrel with Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone’s determination to ensure that his rigid interpretation of church doctrine is taught at four Catholic high schools. Families can decide whether they want their children to learn certain “truths” that are not necessarily accepted by many practicing Catholics, such as the belief that civil law should ban same-sex marriage, contraception is “intrinsically evil,” abortion is always wrong and reproductive technology is a 'grave evil.'" The bishop takes his job seriously, as Vatican II teaches that he do. The council charged bishops with the following:  All bishops are bound to foster and safeguard the unity of the Catholic faith and safeguard and teach with a love of the Body of Christ, especially the poor, the suffering and those persecuted.   Primacy is given to their preaching of the gospel, warding off whatever errors might threaten their flocks. Bishops’ teaching as ...

Read the Documents!

I n my book I note that one catalyst for writing it was that when I actually read the documents of the Second Vatican Council, I was surprised to learn that what I had been told they said, and what they actually said were not one and the same. Thus, it is with great pleasure that I welcome Jared Silvey's article for Crisis .  Silvey states:  "i t is good for Catholics to familiarize themselves with what the council actually said in its official promulgations. While not everyone has the leisure to read through the hundreds of pages of conciliar material, there are certain passages which should be highlighted, in part because they counter attempts by those who try to ground their dissent in the council and its supposed “spirit.”   This is precisely why I wrote my book, so I would like to reflect on his choice of passages fron the VII documents: 1)  “Regulation of the sacred liturgy depends solely on the authority of the Church, that is, on the Apostolic See an...

At War With the Pope?

I continually must remind myself that I am a Catholic first, and an American second, something difficult to do for my boomer generation, raised as we were in the school of American exceptionalism by the greatest generation. So it is with great interest that I now observe a gentleman by the name of Damon Linker taking on the Holy Father here  in matters he has pronounced on recently. The article may be summarized thus:  (If you check out the links in the Damon article, h is evidence for the war is sparse)He begins with a piece from Ross Douthat about internal Church issues regarding divorce and Communion. Next he cites four more pieces, two of which were actually   defending   the pope and only one of which went beyond subject-specific criticism in personally criticizing the Holy Father himself. This entry created such an uproar that Reno felt it necessary to   publish his own criticism   just bring peace to the dialogue.  It appears the progress...

Put On the Armor of Christ

In St. John’s gospel, Our Lord calls Satan “ruler of this world,”teaching that the salvation he would bring us as God’s gift involved the destruction of Satan’s power in this world. Just before His passion, Jesus told the apostles that an eternal fire awaited Satan and his angels. Sacred Scripture teaches that The Prince of Darkness will be allowed by God to test us for a time, but in the end will be “thrown into the lake of fire and sulphur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.”  Thus, in Catholic teaching, the reality of spiritual warfare, though often dismissed, is something the Church Militant here on earth must be prepared for. Paul Thigpen offers a manual for preparation in the video above. Very experienced, he! Now for a little catechesis on today;s Gospel by Fr. Longenecker: Then they came to Capernaum, and on the sabbath Jesus entered the synagogue and taught. The people were astonished at his teac...