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Showing posts from July, 2015

Chit-Chat Chittester

Sr, Joan Chittester In my fifth chapter on religious life. one of the featured neomodernist-inspired religious sisters was Sr. Joan Chittester , who is still chatting: Catholic Nun Explains Pro-Life In A Way That Will Stun Many (Especially Republican Lawmakers) : 'via Blog this'

Truth Always Seeks Its Revenge

Homosexuality ‘Natural’? Studies Prove Otherwise : 'via Blog this'

Nuns' Story Dominican Style

In my book I quoted the late Fr. Benedict Groescel as follows: A surprising and welcome development at the pre­sent time is the emergence of a whole wave of young men and women interested in authentic religious life. They provide proof of the ongoing presence of God’s grace…. These young people surprise us by their willingness to join even communities beset by obvious theological confusion and little observance of their traditional rule. If they manage to survive for twenty years, the appearance of the sinking communities may change. In some communities there is an absurd phenomenon similar to a theological sandwich: The youngest and the oldest, who are in agreement, are like slices of bread. The age group in the middle reminds us of mayonnaise. Something in human nature has been calling people to religious life for thousands of years—and gospel teaching and church tradition have aimed this human hunger at a strong form of Christian dedication. We should have le...

Dancing With Mr. D: Magic Queer Powers?

I n psychoanalytic thought, libido (from the Latin: desire, lust ) is the psychic and emotional energy associated with man’s instinctual biological drives (sexual desire). Though theoretically held in check by the ego and super-ego, in Freudian thought libido understands man as a sexual animal whose happiness derives from the unrestrained libido . The virtue of chastity in Freudian logic could only end in illness and unhappiness. Such thinking became normative in the United States in the 1960s, and it was not long before “the greatest of natural mysteries,” the marriage act, was reduced to an openly discussable “fun activity.” Paul VI offered libido as one way Satan, the “malign, clever seducer” undermines man’s sexual morality with his “sophistry.” The Devil’s strategy here, as the Pope cautioned, is “eminently logical.” He approaches man with what amounts to a false reason in his mind, which, if dwelled on, can influence the will by rousing him to do something evil which se...

Baptiste the Prophet

Baptiste and Wujek I n 1976 Pope Paul VI invited Karol Cardinal Wojtyla to preach the papal retreat. In researching the event for my book, what struck me in Wojtyla's meditations was his inference that “the signs of the times” might explain the denial of the truth of Church teaching which had infiltrated her like “the smoke of Satan.” Surely the Pope Paul was moved by Wojtyla's preaching, for in June of 1968 he penned his magisterial Credo of the People of God , a vigorous defense of traditional Church doctrine after the Council’s close, followed by his prophetic encyclical, Humanae Vitae , for which the “modernizers” never forgave him. Monsignor Charles Pope's reflection on "Where Wisdon Lay" is never more timely than at present, Post-Obergefell , and so I reprint it here in full:  The Wisdom of Humanae Vitae : Time Has Proved Where Wisdom Lay Msgr. Charles Pope • December 7, 2009 A generation has passed since the publication of the boldly pastoral...


EPISTLE   (I Cor. 10. 6-13.) Brethren, Let us not covet evil things, as they also coveted. Neither become ye idolaters, as some of them: as it is written: The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed fornication, and there fell in one day three and twenty thousand. Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them tempted, and perished by the serpents. Neither do you murmur, as some of them murmured, and were destroyed by the destroyer. Now all these things happened to them in figure, and they are written for our correction, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore he that thinketh himself to stand, let him take heed lest he fall. Let no temptation take hold on you, but such as is human: and God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able but will make also with temptation issue that you may be able to bear it. Can we sin by thought and desire? Yes, if we de...


Powerful reflection from a holy woman... Dear Dr. Nucatola, I watched  the video  put out with your face on it. I heard you talking about harvesting fetal body parts. I saw you sip your wine while talking about how to remove an intact fetus. I want you to know that I’m not disgusted by you. I’m not disgusted, because I used to be just like you. You see, my former Planned Parenthood clinic used to harvest fetal body parts. I used to sift through their bodies and prepare them for transport to the research lab we were contracted with. The other day, I learned a new thing that I hate because of my work at the clinic. Dry ice. We used to participate in studies where we would have to collect fetal body parts and ship them to research labs…all for stem cell research. We kept their little bodies cold and preserved by using dry ice. My daughter was really excited to put water on it so she could see the smoke. I stood there and couldn’t get the memories of those littl...

Trolling the Polls

A   Gallup poll   in May showed record-high support for same-sex marriage at 60 percent. But a   Reuters poll   taken in the two weeks following   Obergefell v. Hodges , the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex "marriage" in all 50 states, showed a drop of almost 10 points, down to only 51 percent. These are the lowest numbers since 2012. The poll (post-Obergefell) asked, "Do you support or oppose allowing same-sex couples to legally marry?" Those in support were 51 percent, while 35 percent opposed it, and 14 percent remained undecided.  The poll also shows a shift in popular thinking with regard to the roles of the state vs . the federal government, as well as the roles of each branch of government. In response to the second question, which asked who should decide the issue of same-sex "marriage," 37 percent (the highest percentage in the group) answered that the Supreme Court should make the law. As we know, marriage has tradi...

TransJennerism: Caitlyn Jenner To Bare All In Playboy Spread!!  |

Caroline Cossey Please,  Caitlyn Jenner To Bare All In Playboy Spread!!  | Do not do this !! All lives matter! 'via Blog this'

Post-Obergefell: Dutch woman to marry dog after cat-husband dies

Years go, when support for "same-sex marriage was 12% nationally, I would argue to my classes that it would never catch hold with a majority of the American people, as such a redefinition of marriage would not preclude one from marrying anyone one wanted- I used the example of marrying my pet turtles. No one took me seriously, though I wasnot far off the mark in this prediction, as evidenced in  Dutch woman to marry dog after cat-husband dies - NY Daily News : 'via Blog this'

Hell? No!

In my book  I  recall  when  Bishop Fulton Sheen warned us in his popular retelling of the life of Christ, The Eternal Galilean : "Do not mock the Gospels and say there is no Satan. Evil is too real in the world to say that. Do not say the idea of Satan is dead and gone. Satan never gains so many cohorts as when, in his shrewdness, he spreads the rumor that he is long since dead." Such an attitude only leaves the devil freer than he would otherwise be to work to gain souls for hell. “I am who am not.”  Fr. Longenecker has weighed in on  this here .

Mic’d Up—Dancing with the Devil

Oh- seems someone picked up on my blog theme (taken from a Stones' song) Dancin' With Mr. D! Mic’d Up—Dancing with the Devil A comment on this: TomH    Peter   •   34 minutes ago According to your logic ( "Satan's great weapon is that he doesn't exis t") he would avoid all corporeal "contact"with the human race, i.e., possession, demonic influences, etc. It's true that he does not want us to know he exists, And not all haunted houses are demonically caused, but just because Satan has a superior intelligence does not mean that he is not also stupid. He is ruled by the passion of "pure" hatred and can't resist getting "involved" with God's, after the angels, highest creation, mankind. His superior spiritual intelligence, like his spiritual power, have been curtailed by Almighty God. You could say he can't resist the temptation. However, his intelligence is still vastly superior to ours except for the s...

Pope Francis’ Approval Ratings Slump Sharply in U.S. | Sojourners

I am a Catholic who generally considers himself slightly right of Center. I voted for Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43, McCain and Romney. But as a Catholic, Pope Francis  is alright with me.  Today I came across   Pope Francis’ Approval Ratings Slump Sharply in U.S. | Sojourners : and would remind the reader of  the teaching: render unto Caesar what is Caesar's , and to God what  is God's (your entire being). 'via Blog this'

Retired cardinal sounds alarm: sees in Church ‘a perverse lust for self-destruction’

I, Having read Christus Dominus was delighted with retired Vatican cardinal and Church historian, Walter Brandmueller’s interview in Germany in which he admonishes the liberal agenda among Germany’s bishops. The cardinal sees in certain circles in the Church almost a “perverse lust for self-destruction,” for example, “by undermining the procreation of life in different ways and in putting into question the natural sexual identity of man and woman.” Cardinal Brandmueller describes the danger of adapting to “political correctness,” admitting that violating it entails “risking execution by the Media.” He decries the “dynamic of silence into which the majority” of bishops have slipped “and thus silently watch the execution.”  No one can claim “such conduct is worthy of a Christian,” he adds, “especially when dealing with fundamental questions concerning the teaching of Faith and Morals of the Gospel of Christ.” “For what purpose did we receive the...

Seek Forgiveness from Christ in Confession - Crisis Magazine

I can attest to the truth of    Seek Forgiveness from Christ in Confession - Crisis Magazine  from personal experience. After  nearly 30 years of avoiding the healing love of Christ in the sacrament, I returned in 1995, and have been a regular penitent ever since. 'via Blog this'

Archbishop to priests: Here's how to not give bad homilies :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

“I know your works; I know that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (Rv 3:15-16) Unhappily, it has been my experience that many Catholics (I, for many years, among them), were never effectively evangelized, and so never made a personal commitment to Christ and His gospel. Born into a sociological or traditional Catholicism, too many Catholics seem never to have met Our Lord! And, as we have seen, many of the flock since Vatican II are fundamentally ignorant of Christian doctrine, or may have received only nominal instruction, and are alienated from the Body of Christ. I have witnessed the reality in the United States, where we are conditioned by a spirit of modernity to view religion as a private matter, where far too many Catholics grow uncomfortable with the call to evangelization and deep conversion of mind and heart. This is significant, for only from a perso...

Dancin' With Mr. D: Jesuitical Jesuits

In a now-infamous video, Dr. Deborah Nucatola discusses — over lunch in a Los Angeles restaurant — how Planned Parenthood facilitates trafficking in fetal organs and tissue. She discusses prices and confesses that Planned Parenthood’s doctors are happy to alter care in order to further the organization’s organ harvesting, for example using ultrasound where they ordinarily wouldn’t, in order to prevent damage to valuable organs. Here is the Jesuit Magazine's response , and  fine piece examining why some Jesuits prefer PP t o the pro-life movement.

The National Catholic Distorter

Ignatius and Islam: Uncovering Faith Intersections- National CAtholic Reporter Newer have liked this rag, and here is one reason why: NcR Needs a Time Out! JULY 18, 2015  ~  ONEMADMOMBLOG Holy smokes! National catholic Reporter (small “c” no accident) seem to be hell-bent on going down with the ship! I think I’m going to change my pet name for them to “Not Catholic Reporter.” It’s just gotten that ridiculous. Seriously, it decided it’s going to be the number one mouthpiece for the anti-USCCB folks? I’m a little shocked that they’ve done a piece tying the entire editorial staff to the same millstone, but they have indeed ( ): In another way, however, this broad new acceptance may be as transformative in its own way of our understanding of something deeply personal and mysterious as recent explorations have been transformative of our understanding, i...