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Showing posts from January, 2016

One World Religion (Part II)

J esus' exclusive status was proven by the Incarnation and the Resurrection. Our salvation is God's gift, not the result of human effort. The Church's role is to proclaim this Good News and to challenge the world to respond. Neomodernist theologians see this claim to a definitive role in salvation as "scandalous." Saying that to give such a prominent position to Jesus an obstacle to dialogue with other faiths. It prejudges the outcome of ecumenical talks by demoting other spiritualties to a lesser position. Similarly, Leonard Swidler, whom I discuss in Smoke , opines: "there is a deeper reality which goes beyond the empirical surface experiences of our lives, and for us Jesus is the bond-bursting means of becoming aware of that deeper reality (as for Buddhists it is Gautama)." This suggests that, while for Christians the way to the transcendent is through Jesus, for others it is through their own revered figures. Undoubtedly, from an empirical ...

One World Religion (Part I)

A dissident Catholic screed once ran a story about the possibility that the Catholic feminist movement known as Women-Church was losing all connection with Catholic tradition.  Their concern was that Women-Church, in its attempts to be inclusive of all women, was becoming syncretistic, i.e ., willing to regard many different spiritual traditions on an equal level with Catholic faith. The report said that an upcoming Women-Church conference would have, in addition to rituals by witches, rituals led by "Buddhists,  American Indians, Quakers and Jewish leaders--as well as by Catholic nuns." (Women-Church discussed at length in the 5 th chapter of The Smoke of Satan in the Temple of God ). I have observed that this syncretistic mentality is widespread in the Church today.  Consider the following description of the program of a respected Midwestern Catholic center for spirituality: Readings are selected every day from the sacred texts of Buddhism, Taoism, Hind...

Dancing With Mr. D: Mr. T and the Murder of Children

Donald Trump has stated that  he could "shoot somebody and I  wouldn't lose voters." Speaking of killing, i n 1999 the late Tim Russert asked Donald Trump if he would support a ban on "abortion in the third-trimester" or "partial-birth abortion." "No," Trump replied. " I  am pro-choice in every respect." He said that his views may be the result of his "New York background."  During the first Republican presidential debate, Trump explained that he "evolved" on the issue at some unknown point in the last 16 years. "Friends of mine years ago were going to have a child, and it was going to be aborted. And it wasn't aborted. And that child today is a total superstar, a great, great child. And I saw that. And I saw other instances," Trump said. "I am very, very proud to say that I am pro-life." The  Daily Caller 's Jamie Weinstein asked Trump if he would have become pro-li...

God and Woman at BC

As is commonly known by  Catholics  who are serious about the  Faith , a neomodernist “rival magisterium” established itself in the Church shortly after the closing of the Second Vatican Council. It appealed to a “spirit of Vatican II” in support of its ideas, often in direct contradiction to the official teaching of the Catholic Church as set down in the conciliar documents, Sacred Scripture, and Sacred Tradition. The story of how this so-called “faithful dissent” began to wreak havoc among the faithful in the United States started with the historical setting in which Paul VI issued his encyclical Humanae Vitae and the reception it received among theologians comprising this “rival magisterium.” Here is an enlightening account of how this phenomenon remains  actives  at a prominent Jesuit university.

Parent Trap? No, Cohabitation Trap!

And here I thought people were wising up to the fact that living together in sin before marriage wasn't leading to human fulfillment and bliss, and then to come across Mr. Johnston'e piece: The Co-Habitation Trap GEORGE SIM JOHNSTON There's no such thing as a trial marriage. Recently, a college classmate told me that her 25-year-old son has a girlfriend about whom he can't make up his mind.  The couple have been going together for two years.  He is serious about the girl, thinks she'd make a good wife, but tells his mother that he's not sure about taking the plunge.  Should he propose?  Should he take more time to think about it?  Maybe date other girls to gain perspective?  The son is at a loss. My friend is generally a sensible person, and she gave her son what she thinks is good advice: why not move in with her and see how it goes?  In other words, do a trial marriage.  If the sharing of bed and board goes smoothly, then tie t...

Contra Contraception

What I find both exciting and encouraging at present is that the discipline of social science, usually understood to be the preserve of progressive secular scholars, in following the data has corroborated the evils Pope Paul had considered in Humanae Vitae. Recent research findings by scholars in the social sciences confirm contraception as the culprit behind the considerable rise in divorce and illegitimacy in the United States, both which in turn have spawned other societal ills such as increased rates of criminal behavior and high school dropout rates. No surprise, it turns out that the poor are especially susceptible to the harms caused by the American contraceptive culture. These findings are the studied work of secular scholars, most regarded as slightly left of center on the sociopolitical spectrum. To give but a few examples: Robert Michael of the University of Chicago has written that sudden widespread use of artificial contraception and the availability of abortion prov...

Libido Redux: More women lured to pornography addiction - Washington Times

More women lured to pornography addiction - Washington Times : 'via Blog this'

Xulon Press book The Smoke of Satan in the Temple of God | Timothy Wallace

Professional Photographer? I guess so! (Warning: sexual content) Paul VI offered  libido  as one way Satan, the “malign, clever seducer” undermines man’s sexual morality with his “sophistry.” The Devil’s strategy here, as the Pope cautioned, is “eminently logical.” He approaches man with what amounts to a false reason in his mind, which, if dwelled on, can influence the will by rousing him to do something evil which seems to be good. Deceit is basic to his strategy.

Living in the (Increasingly Narcissistic) World

Here is an interesting reflection for Catholics who take their salvation seriously. It makes for an interesting examen .... Casting Out the Demons CARYLL HOUSELANDER The devil knows that the soul whose heart is fixed on God is lost to hell, so he must drag the gaze back from God to self. But when it comes to someone who has arrived at some measure of strongly conscious spirituality, who has proved a willingness to suffer for God and his truth, the devil must find subtler ways: he must find something which resembles God in this — that it is always present. What could be better than self? — and what more certain to imprison and ultimately obsess a sensitive soul than awareness of something wrong with self? Somehow or other the soul must be made to strive to attain a certain level of holiness, a certain peace or at least untroubledness,  before  abandoning itself to God.  It will be held back by this, prevented from seeing more and more the beauty of Go...

Dancing with Mr. D: The Absurdity of Justice Kennedy's Planned Parenthood v. Casey Statement

Siding with the liberal majority in  Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, t he Catholic Justice opined: "At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life. Beliefs about these matters could not define the attributes of personhood were they formed under compulsion by the State." I often replied to this in class by saying that I then have the right to marry my pet turtles, but now we see how the consequences of this worldview have played out.