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Showing posts from January, 2013
As mentioned in our first chapter, it is the enemy who seeks to breach the integrity of the human person, and effect the ruin of souls. And it must also be said that the contemporary polarization in the church discussed in the second chapter is a clear attack by the Evil One.  As Basil Cardinal Hume has observed: “I suspect that it is a trick of the devil to divert good people from the task of evangelization by embroiling them in endless controversial issues to the neglect of the Church’s essential role, which is mission.” Thus, in this spiritual combat, trials will come, but God knows they are edifying for us, for they disclose the nature of the enemy and our own need for salvation and growing in relationship with Him. So it is that because of the deceits of the world, the flesh, and the Devil, many Catholics do not practice their faith to the point of standing out from those who are ignorant of Christ. In approaching the vexing questions of modern society, too many Ca...

How Same-Sex Marriage Suffocates Freedom (Part I) | Crisis Magazine

Crisis Magazine online has some of the most prescient articles to equip Catholics for the ongoing culture war in the U.S. Check out one recent article below! How Same-Sex Marriage Suffocates Freedom (Part I) | Crisis Magazine
In my third chapter I write: "The fulfillment of Pope Paul’s predictions has been recounted in numerous theological studies. All show convincingly the negative fruits in the areas of abortion, divorce, family disintegration, wife and child abuse, STDs and illegitimate births. These studies also show the dehumanization of women as males were released from accountability for their sexual aggression. And, as pro-life Catholics know all too well, population control is part and parcel of current United Nations policy debates vis-à-vis developing nations. Finally, the studies also reveal in vitro fertilization, cloning, genetic engineering and embryonic stem cell research for what they are: the fruits of the contraceptive mentality. I avidly recommend these studies to the reader, for I have found no shortage of Catholics intellectually dishonest in spouting off on our topic not having read these studies in light of Humanae Vitae and the tradition of the Church . At the very le...

Can Demons be Saved?

Having written an account of the Church in the U.S. since 1965 which takes into account the reality of spiritual war, please re-educate yourself on the matter by watching Jimmy Akin!
In my first chapter I noted that  evidence reveals that the true fruits of Vatican Council II are only today beginning to be realized in each of the four main areas addressed by the Council documents. Thus, it is heartwarming to see that my findings are corroborated by a noted Jesuit professor of Theology  here . Specifically:"  The publication Civiltà Cattolica, whose drafts are reviewed by the Vatican Secretariat of State, declares that the profound crisis that has struck the Catholic Church in the last 50 years “has been a long time coming” and is “essentially a crisis of faith”, but the paper does not agree with the traditionalists’ idea that the Council and its openness to the modern world might be at the origin of such predicament. Moreover, the publication states that “ the Council has not exhausted its task, but rather has founded a method of evangelization which is old and new at the same time, as it calls for all Catholics to share in the responsibility of t...

The Antichrist in Muhammad: Original Sin, Part 2 - International - Catholic Online

Earlier, I had posted part One of The Antichrist in Muhammad: Original Sin, Part 2 - International - Catholic Online , including a video presentation of Church teaching on original Sin....