it is that because of the deceits of the world, the flesh, and the Devil, many Catholics do not practice their faith to the point of
standing out from those who are ignorant of Christ. In approaching the vexing
questions of modern society, too many Catholics take positions based on a
liberal-conservative spectrum, rather than on the teachings of Jesus Christ
which come to us via His church. Only genuine conversion, metanoia,the fruit of evangelization, will change this reality, allowing Catholics to experience the joy of faithful discipleship. No ideology may substitute for
real personal conversion. In essence, metanoia means to
question one’s own way of living, to start to see life through God’s eyes, and
turn away from conformity to this world. Genuine
conversion predisposes us not to see ourselves as the measure of all things,
but to a humility that trusts ourselves to God’s love, which becomes the
measure of all things. This was the central teaching of Vatican II: a renewed
call to the faithful to strive after holiness, which means doing the Father’s
will in all things, empowered by His grace.
MONDAY last I posted that Pope Francis might not be all that the secular media consider him to be, recommending a First Things piece on the matter. Today we read of Archbishop Chaput's interview with John Allen of the National Catholic (?) Reporter , in Rio for WYD. What caught my attention was the Archbishops's comment that alienated, non-serious Catholics perhaps interpret the Pope's openness as being less concerned than his predecessors with doctrine, and that it is already true that "the right wing of the Church" has not been happy with his election. As I argued in The Smoke of Satan , and as George Weigel has eloquently posited in Evangelical Catholicism , the political terms left and right are woefully inadequate as measurements of one's standing in the Body of Christ. There are only the orthodox, and the heterodox.
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