Is it possible that Church
leaders and Catholic institutions in the U.S. are assisting the furtherance of
central tenets of the secularist political and cultural plot? Have you ever
read of a prominent Catholic who contends that the Bible instructs us not to
judge people? How often have you heard this phrase in the social media?
I think there is the phenomena of an unsuspecting acceptance in some Catholic
circles of a secularist understanding of important cultural issues.
If a Catholic
supports the notion that men who have sex with men, or women who have sex with
women “come out,” he or she assists the Gay agenda in achieving its dream of
getting an imprimatur from society
for grave sin. Many Catholics, woefully ignorant of Catholic moral teaching, by
default seem to be accepting of secularist identity politics and the groundless
idea that same-sex attraction is innate, and the defining characteristic
for those aggrieved by it.
such Catholics cite the homosexual priest scandal as a point of departure for their
abandonment of Catholic moral theology. As I recount in my book, the scandals
were the result of defective vetting of seminary candidates, insufficient
oversight within seminaries and dioceses, and an opening to neomodernist
thought in the post-Conciliar period. For a cleric to issue a non-judgmental statement
toward the homosexual movement is ironic, given the fact the sex abuse scandal
mostly involved homosexual priests molesting minor post-pubescent males.
months ago, I blogged on the president of a respected Catholic college who
seemed to publicly rebuke a teaching subordinate after dissenting parents objected
to her defense of the Church’s teaching on homosexuality at a Catholic highschool. Here it appeared that a Catholic institution precluded a challenge to
the homosexual narrative.
Catholics seem unaware of how the homosexualist will use their actions and
statements to further an agenda hostile to Church teaching, and then state that
the Church now agrees with them. They seem to confuse true caritas with false compassion. They want to be “pastoral” and influence
Catholics whom they fear may not otherwise listen, and thus do not emphasize
those Church teachings despised by the secular culture.
U.S. Bishops, the Shepherds of the flock and those of the flock who understand
the problem have to speak up. The secularists are aiming at total cultural
transformation, evidenced in the media. Catholics must not only avoid
unwittingly promoting the secular narrative, they must relentlessly oppose it.
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