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Showing posts from September, 2015

“Admonish the Sinner”: Pope Francis and the Third Spiritual Work of Mercy |Blogs |

Out of action lately due to fourth vitrectomy for a macular hole in right eye.... Whenever I get accused of being judgmental, I always remind the accusers of the following: “Admonish the Sinner”: Pope Francis and the Third Spiritual Work of Mercy |Blogs | : 'via Blog this'

2 Ruminations on Neomodernism

I n my book I pointed out that neo modernists   raise the question of whether Jesus intended to found a Church, since they understand his mission as concerned only with inaugurating the Kingdom of God, i.e., delivering people from spiritual and physical suffering in this world, which is how  they understand  salvation. The Syllabus of Errors  also cites their rejection of Christ’s conferring the keys of the Kingdom on St. Peter, and with this grant of divine authority Peter’s earthly leadership of His Church, and His institution of the sacraments, all except Baptism and the Eucharist. In the neomodernist movement, believing as they do all dogma to be relative, all Christian denominations (now over 30,000) are to be regarded as equal with the Catholic Church. Indeed, George Tyrell came to view Christianity as merely an intermediary stage in the evolution of a new “universal religion.”   Neomodernists declared that the ecumenism taught by Vatican II...

Has Satan's Smoke Cleared? Divide et Impera...

“ It is heresy to teach that homosexual relations are not disordinate or are not disordered or have positive elements.” The comments come in a newly released video by the Polish publication  Polonia Christiana called  Crisis in the Church . In addition to Cardinal Burke, the video features Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga, who takes aim at Cardinal Reinhard Marx, president of the German bishops conference and one of Pope Francis’ Council of Nine advisors. Speaking of Marx’s acceptance of communion for remarried divorcees and his statement that the Church in Germany “is not a subsidiary of Rome,” Archbishop Lenga said, “There was Marx, Karl Marx. And if present Marx says similar things, then there is no real difference.” Lenga, the emeritus archbishop of Karaganda, Kazakhstan, added that if the Church in Germany thinks they are so superior, “it’s some kind of Phantom, we should chase it away by the sign of the Cross.” Indeed. For more on how, to use the words of the prophe...

Libido Redux: Planning for College?

Earlier I had blogged about Catholic collegiate connections with Planned Parenthood, and the good news is that seven Catholic colleges have responded by removing or editing website pages that indicated links between the colleges and Planned Parenthood. However, more than three weeks after a report exposed scandalous associations with the nation’s largest abortion provider, most other colleges cited have taken no action to correct the problem. Prompted by the recent videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s abhorrent practices, the Cardinal Newman Society’s report,  A More Scandalous Relationship: Catholic Colleges and Planned Parenthood , identified 63 connections between 27 Catholic colleges and Planned Parenthood since May 2011. It was in 2011 that the Newman Society first reported 150 such connections, most of which were quickly resolved by the Catholic institutions. The connections include recommending Planned Parenthood as a health resource to students, hiring faculty...

Dancin' With Mr. D: Lesbian Files Lawsuit After She Wasn't Happy With Sperm Bank ... Judge Responds With Brutal Ruling

Lesbian Files Lawsuit After She Wasn't Happy With Sperm Bank ... Judge Responds With Brutal Ruling : 'via Blog this'

Are You Headed to Heaven or Hell?

While I think I would need some Purgation if I died today, here is an important question as boomers get up there in age: How can spiritual direction help you on the road to heaven? To answer this question, be sure to register for  our webinar  “ Understanding Spiritual Direction: Finding a Director and Thriving in the Relationship ,” scheduled for September 14, 2015. Read more: | Catholic Spiritual Direction | Are You Headed to Heaven or Hell? - Catholic Spiritual Direction : 'via Blog this'

Hell. Will Lots of People Go There?

Fr. Longenecker Fr. Longenecker has a thought-provoking piece for the boomers who aren't getting any younger.... Hell. Will Lots of People Go There? : 'via Blog this'

TransJennerism: The Vatican and Godparents

The Vatican has decided that transgender people may not be godparents in the Catholic Church. CNA reports   that the bishop was told it is not possible for transsexual persons to fulfill their duties as a godparent. An article about the case in   Breitbart reports   that after the bishop heard back from the Vatican, he issued a public   statement   noting the Church’s stance that transsexualism “is contrary to human nature” and referencing   Laudato Si,   the Pope’s   encyclical , which states that man “has a nature that he must respect and that he cannot manipulate at will.” Carla Antonelli, a transsexual, LGBT activist, is quoted as saying this about the Church’s decision: “Faced with such cruelty one has to conclude that the real inconsistency is of those who claim to be representatives of a doctrine that preaches respect and love of neighbor, but that who use it to unleash hatred and phobias, and crush their neighbor.” Salinas is...