In my book I pointed out that neomodernists raise the question of whether Jesus intended to found a Church, since they understand his
mission as concerned only with inaugurating the Kingdom of God, i.e.,
delivering people from spiritual and physical suffering in this world, which is
how they understand salvation. The Syllabus of Errors also cites their
rejection of Christ’s conferring the keys of the Kingdom on St. Peter, and with
this grant of divine authority Peter’s earthly leadership of His Church, and
His institution of the sacraments, all except Baptism and the Eucharist.
In the
neomodernist movement, believing as they do all dogma to be relative, all Christian
denominations (now over 30,000) are to be regarded as equal with the Catholic
Church. Indeed, George Tyrell came to view Christianity as merely an intermediary
stage in the evolution of a new “universal religion.” Neomodernists declared that the ecumenism taught by Vatican II required that
Catholics see non-Christian religions as equally valid expressions of
man’s search for truth.... More.
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