A new morality has emerged today on social media sites
devoted to religious topics. To see it, just look for key words such as justice,
peace and the conservation of creation. It is true that these buzzwords do call
for essential moral values which we need, but it inevitably degenerates into
the realm of contemporary political jaw-jabbing aimed at those following on
social media, and becomes too little a personal duty of one’s daily life. No
one asks in sincerity, nor appears willing to be open to a discussion of
questions such as, what does justice mean? Who defines it? What is truly necessary
for peace?
In the last few decades, this political brand of moralism has
appealed to people full of idealism. But it is a moralism with a false
direction, as it is shorn of rationality in pursuit of the dream of a political
utopia, often at the expense of the dignity of the individual person. Political
moralism as it is practiced today does not open the way to conversion (metanoia), it prevents it. Why? It
reduces the heart of Jesus' message, i.e., the "kingdom of God," (the
reign of God over one’s heart) to the
values of the kingdom." It equates these
values with the key words political moralism, and proclaims these as a synthesis
of all the world’s major religions. God is neglected in this way, as it is He who
is the subject and cause of His Kingdom! In His place are substituted values
that lend themselves to all kinds of abuse. OREMUS.
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