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Dancin' With Mr. D.: San Fran Nan is Off the Mark

Nancy Pelosi says homosexuality is ‘consistent’ with Catholicism. Are Church leaders taking her lead?

WARNING: This article begins with a graphic clinical statement because all Catholics need to know the truth and not remain oblivious to it.
June 22, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — When a man and a woman make love, the miracles of conception and birth are possible. When two men attempt the same, the most glorious result possible is an anal discharge of semen mixed with fecal matter.
Despite the striking contrast, high-profile Catholics in positions of power and influence in North America are no longer able to detect any important difference between the two.  They not only accept being ‘gay’ as fully normal, they promote ‘same-sex marriage,’ a.k.a., anti-conjugal, anti-complementary, genderless marriage, as fully equal to marriage between a man and a woman.
You already know many of their names: Catholic Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, for whom ‘gay’ marriage is a ‘core principle;’ Catholic U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, who invented a national right for genderless marriage; Catholic former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, who has performed genderless marriages; Catholic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who asserts same-sex “marriage” is perfectly "consistent" with Catholicism; Catholic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Catholic Virginia Senator and 2016 Hillary Clinton running mate Tim Kaine and many others who energetically advocate for homonormativity.
At the same time, these Catholic VIPs are becoming increasingly incapable of discerning the difference between male and female and the significance of complementarity. They now promote transnormativity.   
Clearly, something is awry with prevailing views of marriage and human dignity among our Catholic elites when sodomy constitutes marital consummation and genitalia is no longer indicative of gender.  
The fact that they continue to enjoy full communion with the Church despite broadcasting lies which defy natural law and deny the Gospel has only served to embolden them and invite others to follow their lead.
The minds of leading Catholics have sunk from dullness, to darkness, to depravity, and they are intent on dragging each of us down with them – by force of law, if necessary –  and if not us, our children.  

The bigger picture Is worse.  Much worse

Put aside the world of North American Catholic political and societal elites for a moment. A far more grave threat stares us in the face.
What will happen when a critical mass of the Church’s prelates and clerics similarly untether themselves from truth? What will happen when they find the ways of the world more attractive than the message of the Gospel, trading the Church’s magnificent magisterium for the whim of popular culture?  
We are about to find out.

Nudging away from truth, nullifying the work of the Holy Spirit

Some high profile priests and bishops seem to be drawn to promoting the worldly empty promises Catholics reject at baptismFr. James Martin, SJ, editor-at-large for the Jesuit magazine America, recently appointed to the Vatican as a communications consultant; Joseph Cardinal Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark, New Jersey; Bishop John Stowe of the Diocese of Lexington in Kentucky; Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, now at the helm of the Pontifical Academy for Life and the Pontifical Pope John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family.
While the Vatican seems to be collecting and promoting pro-homosexualists and transgenderists, the nudge toward accepting these strange humanity-deforming ideologies is palpable here at home in North America.
Just recently, the Diocese of San Diego announced that Fr. John Dolan, a priest with an LGBT-positive record, has been appointed by the Vatican to be an auxiliary bishop.
In the Archdiocese of Baltimore, St. Matthew’s Parish has been promoting homosexuality and its compatibility with Catholicism for years.  
In the Archdiocese of New York, Blessed Sacrament Church announced that its “Gay Fellowship” group partnered with Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way Foundation” to hold a fundraising dance in the parish hall on June 17.
Even the Jesuit Chaplain to the U.S. House of Representatives, Patrick J. Conroy, suggests that Church teaching on homosexuality is “outdated,” calling it “a dead end.”  He implies that homosexual “marriage” is the only path to happiness for the same-sex attracted.
If the Church now starts watering down magisterial truth, mixing the profane with the holy, where will the same-sex attracted go when our consciences speak to us?  Confessionals turned into self-affirmation kiosks comfort no one, and dispense tragedy.
What will happen to same-sex-attracted men and women, boys and girls, if the Church tosses truth out the window and rolls out a rainbow welcome mat? That won’t work, because it’s truth that attracts people to the Church and turns hearts to Christ. It’s truth that resonates in hearts and appeals to the intellect. It’s the pure Gospel message that inspires, not the lies and empty promises of the world.

Who am I to judge? Let me tell you

I am same-sex-attracted, and I once walked away from both my marriage and the Church and lived as a gay man.  
Yet something stirred inside me. It was my conscience. After the initial emotional rush of feeling set free, I inwardly sensed something was not right, no matter how much I tried to suppress the thought. Nowadays, it’s nearly unanimously agreed that this unease of conscience comes from societal heteronormativity. We are told that exterior cultural pressures cause the same-sex attracted to feel “different,” resulting in depression, behavioral problems, even suicide. The term now in vogue is ‘minority stress.’  
We are also told that the Church is ‘unwelcoming’ because it doesn’t approve of unchaste same-sex behavior, that the Church is ‘seeker unfriendly.’  
My experience tells a different story. There was a powerful, innate interior recognition that there was something wrong with my behavior. It wasn’t society telling me I was ‘bad’ or accusing me or failing to accept me. Quite the contrary, I felt 100 percent accepted by everyone I knew. But their acceptance wasn’t the issue. No. My own perfectly functioning conscience was speaking to me, leading me to self-understanding.
In the end, I decided to live a chaste life, to return to my wife and to the Catholic Church.  Why? Because it is in the Church that truth is to be found like no other place on earth:  packed down, shaken together, filled to the brim and running over (Luke 6:38). And not just truth; I found authentic, intimate fellowship with Catholic brothers within my parish whom I love and who love me. One of the greatest aspects of brotherly love within parish life is this: We help each other not to sin, to find ever greater communion with God, and press forward as men who stand in the breach.
I can easily answer Pope Francis’ now famous question, “Who am I to judge?” I am a Christian who examines my conscience daily. I have to judge, because known truth and the Spirit beckon me to do so. It is my job to judge, to seek truth, and deny lies and the allure of the flesh and the world.  
Were it not for the solid teaching of the Catholic Church challenging my life, confirming the work of the Holy Spirit in my life, I would be lost.
Chaste same-sex-attracted Catholics are baffled by the increasing mixed messages arising from the Church, especially from her prelates. And as the voices within the Church calling for her to surrender to the sexual revolution grow louder, the voice of the Gospel grows fainter. These mixed messages damage lives, excusing the very behavior and thought patterns so many seek to escape. They nullify the work of the Holy Spirit.

Trading rock for sand

Satan has long been wearing a hard hat as he excavates beneath the Church, blasting away at the Church’s rock-solid foundation of truth, replacing it with truckload after truckload of sand. The digging and tunneling used to emanate from outside the Church as the ruler of this world burrowed beneath. But now jack hammers are held by clerics who are taking over the jobs extremists outside the church used to do.
With the Church’s magisterial foundation weakened, the structure above will remain intact for a while, but once new waves of attack start rolling in, perhaps from the world of Muslim fundamentalism, the structure will begin to visibly crumble: slowly at first, and then rapidly. Very rapidly. With the Church’s foundation undermined, the faith of many will quiver and collapse and Catholic institutions will buckle and fall.  
Many will be caught by surprise, wondering as they wander about the rubble how this could have happened so quickly.
Yet rest assured, the Church belongs to Christ and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Still, the nagging question remains: How much and how many will be lost because of the Catholic bishops and academics who have lost their way?



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