In Evangelii Gaudium Pope Francis has
plainly defended the absolute nature of Catholic Dogma and Tradition, i.e., the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His
Apostolic Deposit of Faith. He comprehends the collegial nature of the See of
Peter without sacrificing universal jurisdiction, infallibility, and
indefectibility set down in Vatican II. I see him calling the Church back to
the radical center of the Gospel in furthering the New Evangelization in order
to save souls. Perusal of cyberspace reveals that Francis is forcing the heterodox to confront their heresy while challenging the radical traditionalists to contemplate excessive legalism while sometimes ignoring the missionary call of
the Body of Christ.
In the ever-increasing
secular world, with materialism, commercialism, hedonism, occultism,
individualism, and atheism legion, the Body of Christ is called to bring the
joy of the Gospel to souls. The Apostolic Deposit of Faith as preserved and
interpreted by the Catholic Church is not liberal or conservative. It is
Catholic. The full Gospel of Jesus as handed on by the Catholic Church
annihilates the political verbiage that produces a false contrast between left
and right.
Due to original sin every human soul is wounded in some way and hungers for healing, for mercy. In response, Pope Francis beckons the Body of Christ to return to the Beatitudes, to the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, to the theological and cardinal virtues, and to pursue the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, and uses the means of social communication to portray the authentic pastoral, evangelical, and missionary vision of Vatican II and its continuity with Tradition.
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